Macarons can be made without all of the items I’m sharing today but they will make a difference. Without these items baking macarons can become much more cumbersome. If you know you need all of these things feel free to hop straight over to my amazon list and view them there.
- Pyrex Bowls: Mixing bows are a must. I find it pleasant to be able to mix my dry ingredients in two bowls and pass them back and forth while sifting and use the other for the filling.
- Silpat Baking Liners: While you can use parchment paper and hand draw circles on the back of the paper I am not a fan of that method. One it takes up a lot of time that you could be used to mix and bake. Two using ink on your nice bakeware seems like a bad idea…if you do go this route maybe use an extra liner to protect your pan and make sure you’re using non-toxic markers or pencils.
- Whisk: You’ll need a whisk to make the merengue for the cookie as well as the filling. I prefer a hand mixer or KitchenAid, but if you’re just starting out and don’t have all the other machines this will do the trick. Be warned though you will be getting an arm workout!
- Scale: This one is a non-negotiable. There are recipes that have measurements in cups. I wouldn’t advise using them. Macarons are notoriously touchy. Your results may turn out great one day and poorly the next.
- Color Additives: These aren’t really needed but they are fun! Adding just a hint more color to a cookie to give it a certain look is the perfect finishing touch. It can be fun to separate the batter and add different colors to each part to make more visual appeal while still working with the same flavors.
- Piping Bags and Tips: These are so helpful! Piping certainly can be done without them. A plastic bag with a carefully cut corner can suffice in a pinch, but it will be much harder to control. Using a piping bag and tip will ensure you can get that perfect circle macarons are so renowned for.
- KitchenAid Mixer: So this one is more of a luxury. That said it is amazingly helpful and will ensure your macaron game is a success. The ability to maintain consistency will surely be increased.
- NordicWare Baking Sheets: Of course, you need to have something to bake them on! These are commercial-grade aluminum pans and bakeries across the country swear by them. That was all I needed to know! I bought two large-sized ones. They fit my Silpat perfectly and I love and trust the NordicWare brand so it was an easy choice for me!
Have you tried any of these? What are your favorite macaron baking tools? Let me know in the comments section, I’d love to hear what’s working for all of you! And if you’re loving my content sign up for my newsletter and post updates so you don’t miss out!
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